Terms & Conditions


Company refers to Musifacts Europe BV. Goods and services refers to The Goods and services which the company supplies. Purchaser refers to The person who the company is supplying goods and services to.

Ownership of Goods

The legal title of all goods shall remain the property of the company until such time the company receives payment in full of all sums due in respect of goods supplied. If the purchaser fails to make all payments when due, dishonours payment, enters bankruptcy, liquidation, has a receiver or manager appointed over any assets, becomes insolvent, or if the company has reasonable cause to believe that any of these events may occur, the company shall reserve the right, without prejudice to any other remedy of the company, to repossess the goods and materials without prior notice. The purchaser will permit the company to enter any premises where goods are held for such repossession.


Goods reserved with a deposit will be held for a period of up to four weeks from the invoice date unless other arrangements are agreed by the company prior to deposit. Deposits are non-transferable or refundable.


Company reserves the right to change pricing on all products, both on new and existing sales orders, based on any price increases imposed by the supplier on the company. The purchaser will be notified of any such price changes and will have the option to cancel the order if the new price is not acceptable.


Delivery times are approximations. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence unless previously agreed by the company in writing. The company's charge for delivery may not represent the actual cost paid by the company to its courier. The company reserves the right to charge the purchaser the full cost of carriage on unwanted goods.

Shortages and Damage in transit

Any shortages or damages must be reported to the company within 24 hours or on the next working day from the delivery date.


The company will not accept any returns without a valid Return authorisation. All mail order returns must be notified within seven days of delivery date. It is the purchaser's responsibility to return any unwanted products to the company in the condition that they were received, in the original packaging, and with a copy of the sales receipt. A free collection will be made by the company in the case of faulty or incorrectly supplied goods. Unwanted goods must be returned at the purchaser's expense. The company reserves the right to invoice a re-stocking charge in the case of goods incorrectly purchased.

Warranty and Liability

Company warrants that the goods supplied will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period specified in the manufacturer's warranty. The company's liability is limited to the replacement or repair of the goods, or a refund of the purchase price, at the company's discretion. The company shall not be liable for any consequential or indirect losses, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of business, or depletion of goodwill.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.

Force Majeure

Company shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations where such failure is as a result of Acts of Nature (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, or other natural disasters), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labour dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service.

Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the company and the purchaser and supersede all previous agreements, understandings, and arrangements, whether written or oral, between the parties.


If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

Musifacts Europe BV
Company Registration Number : 71285830

Registered Address :
Hughersluys 23
4536 HM Terneuzen
The Netherlands